Chibinaut v0.3 Update -- First Playable

The first playable build of Chibinaut: Intergalactic Cool Guy  is finally available! I'm not sure how much further I'm going into this project unless I know people like this type of work. Thankfully, I have been documenting throughout this time, so I'll be able to pick up where I left off.

General Changes

  • Visual: Extracted all materials from 3D models. Applied transparency to glass and crystals, varied the glossy/matte look on other materials, and added normal & metallic maps to enemies, bones, generic rocks, and crystals.
  • Main Menu: Updated background scene. Cleaned up menu layouts; added Settings page with Master volume and graphics quality options.
  • Pause Menu: Cleaned up menu layouts; added Settings page with Master volume and graphics quality options.
  • Audio: Replaced music for Main Menu, Space Station (hub), Robot World, and Robot World Caverns. Added three channel audio mixer.
  • Doors: Doors with ID: 0 are unlocked from the start. Doors with ID: 0 will remain open once opened; all other doors will close behind the player.
  • Moving Platforms: Moving platforms now make the entire top-level Player asset move as expected when landing on and jumping off them.
  • Camera: Replaced standard default camera with Cinemachine Free Look cameras.
  • Stage Elements: For stage elements (walls, floors, et cetera) with multiple appropriate variations, the game will load these randomly. This is especially prevalent in the Space Station and any Cave locations.
  • Publishing: Installed and used Butler tool for publishing. Game updates should no longer require a full redownload in most cases.
  • NPC: Added an Astronaut inside the Space Station. For now, they just stand there and can be bounced off of.
  • Terrain: Cut holes in Terrain pieces to create caves.

World Changes

  • Space Station: Designed as a hub world, the Space Station takes place within a flying space station with a storage room, a briefing room, and a doorway to the docked spaceship. Curiously, that door is locked. You'll need to find keys in other worlds to open more doors.
  • Robot World: Robots are mining for Power Crystals on a rocky planet that was desolate until recently. You need to investigate a cave in that's affecting their mining operations. The robots seem to have gone berserk, though. Could it be the crystals? And why aren't the robots just using roads like normal people?
  • Robot World Caverns: Currently, this level is empty and serves only as a test for floor tile randomization. You'll be able to get back to the Space Station, though.

Known Design & Functionality Issues

  • Doors that are already open will play the opening sound when approaching them.
  • Some enemies get stuck in unusual places. As such, moving around the level in unintended ways may force the player to take damage to proceed.
  • Selecting "Exit Game" in the browser throws several Javascript errors.
  • After a graphics quality setting is selected, opening the Main Menu or Pause Menu Settings pages will show graphics settings as Medium. Despite this, the previously selected setting remains in effect.
  • Robot World Caverns is empty and allows for a softlock if the player walks off the edge of the world.
  • Keys from Robot World will disappear after leaving the Space Station.
  • The camera occasionally jitters when the player walks toward it.
  • The camera occasionally jitters when the player is on a balcony or other thin surfaces near a wall in Robot World.
  • Occasionally, an enemy will hurt you when you jump on it.

Files 73 MB
Version 0.3 May 01, 2021 64 MB
Version 0.3 May 01, 2021 Play in browser
Version 0.3 May 01, 2021

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